Reflexology Trainings

Become a Reflexology Therapist February 2025 this 200 hr Reflexology Certification will have you ready to start building your own reflexology business and leave you prepared to apply for your RCRT ( Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist) designation

This training is for you if you:

  • Want an in person training and my continued support throughout the training.
  • Have a keen interest in understanding the human body and its workings.
  • Your goal is to improve people's overall well-being.
  • Your ambitionis to venture into the wellness industry.
  • You dream of beingself-employed and managing yourown time-table.
  • Wish to have effective tools to help yourself and your loved ones.
  • You are passionate about providing a healing environment and fostering personal connections.
  • Want a business with very little overhead.

Space is limited

Contact Sabine, for a detailed information package and registration form.

Course Overview

This Reflexology practitioner training provides you with all the tools you need to start a successful reflexology practice, and builds the confidence to apply for your Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT) designation, from the Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC).

This 200 hour Reflexology Certification course consists of:

  • 46 hours in-class instruction
  • 25 hours home study workbook
  • 10 sessions to practice reflexology sequence and techniques - 2 hrs each
  • Mandatory review - 3hrs
  • 50 case studies- 2 hrs each
  • Written exam - 4 hrs (to be completed within three (3) months of last day of class)
  • Practical exam - 2 hrs (to be completed with in one (1) year of last day of class)

Course Material

The Foot and the Core manual as well as the Home Study workbook will be provided.

*Please note:The Home Study workbook must be completed and presented to your examiner prior to your written exam.

Course Schedule

On the first day of class,you will be provided with the daily schedule for the in-class portion of this training.


Zone Therapy: The Foundation of Reflexology

Before reflexology became popular, there was Zone Therapy, which serves as the true basis for this practice, rooted in the work of William H. Fitzgerald.

If you are a parent, caregiver, partner, or friend who enjoys giving or receiving foot massages, and you wish to alleviate stress, reduce inflammation, or enhance the overall well-being of your loved ones, this training is perfect for you.

In this Three-hour course, you will gain a solid framework to build upon. The curriculum includes:

  • The history of Zone Therapy
  • Mapping the zones of the feet
  • Practical application of the treatment
  • Cost: $300.00 plus GST

Reflexology Refresher

Have you taken a pause since your reflexology training and want to review some of the concepts? Or maybe you're a practicing reflexology therapist aiming to apply to the Reflexology Association of Canada to achieve Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT) status?

This training will cater to your current level, providing you with the confidence you need to thrive in your reflexology journey.

The fee is determined by an hourly rate.

Book your appointment
604-815-3516 |

#29-100 Kal Lake Road, Vernon, B.C.