"Reflexology is a natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet, hands, and ears, which correspond to every part, gland, and organ of the body. By applying specific pressure using thumb, finger and hand techniques, reflexology reduces tension, improves circulation, and promotes the natural functioning of the related areas of the body"
- Reflexology Association of Canada
As a child, I had chronic inner ear infections . If you’ve ever had one, you would know that they are extremely uncomfortable. Looking back at those days, I now realise that the thing that seemed to soothe me most was when my mom would apply pressure to my feet, this would always calm me.
In my early 20’s while on a trip to Switzerland I was having one such episode with symptoms of headaches and vertigo. Luckily I was staying with my Aunt, Who has been practising reflexology professionally for 3 decades. She recognised my discomfort and offered me a foot treatment. Even as the treatment was happening I was already starting to feel less symptoms. The treatment left me feeling very tired, to the point of not being able to keep my eyes open I proceeded to sleep for 15 hours. When I awoke I felt refreshed, with no sign of vertigo or head ache.
The effectiveness of the one session made me more curious about this modality of healing. I started to do my own research and study different foot charts and anything I could get my hands on. The more I learned the more curious I became and in 2016 started my journey towards becoming a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT). This training left me with the confidence and knowledge to immediately start my own practice.
I was even more impressed, as I started working with clients with many varying conditions both acute and/or chronic. I would observe them shifting into a healing state within minutes of the treatment,by the end of the treatment they would claim to feel less pain, less tension, improved circulation and a new sense of calm. These are the short term benefits of a treatment. This shift in states allows the body to heal and receive the long term benefits .
As I’ve been practising It has come to my awareness that Reflexology, though recognised by medical insurance companies and Doctors as a complementary therapy, It is still very obscure and generally unknown or understood by the common public. I’ve realised that there are not enough people out there doing this work and in hopes to create an awareness of Reflexology. I decided to become a Licensed Reflexology Teacher.

Reflexology is more than just a foot massage. Through the reflex points in the feet we can stimulate all the different systems of the body.
These are some of the conditions that my clients have reported benefiting from.
- Anxiety
- Neck/ jaw /shoulder tension
- Incontinence
- IBS symptoms
- Acid reflux/ GERD
- Speed up healing of broken bones
- Vertigo/ Tinnitus
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Dry eyes
- Allergies
- Sinusitis
- Neuropathy
- Lower back pain
- Anxiety
- Migraines
Consultation and treatment 90 minutes $90.00 plus GST
Foot Reflexology – 1hr Working all reflexes of the feet for a full body reset. Great for chronic and acute conditions $90.00 plus GST
Hand Reflexology- 1 hr Working all the Reflexes of the hands for a full body reset. Great for chronic and acute conditions $90.00 plus GST
Combo Foot and Hand treatment 90 Minutes $120.00 plus GST
Youth treatments – Babies and children respond very well to reflexology treatments getting relief from colic, teething, gas to improved concentration and learning, acute trauma, inflammation, and anxiety. 30 minutes $50.00 plus GST
Reflexology Credentials
The more I learned the more I wanted to learn,
2017 received my RCRT (Registered Canadian reflexology therapist) designation
2017 started to study the Manzanares Method of reflexology (a science based method of reflexology)- Dr Jesus Manzaneres
2018 Assisting women through the birth year - Linda Baril
2019 Certified as a RAC Hand reflexology therapist -Dawn Whittick
2019 Completed an advanced course of “the Taiwanese Reflexology massage” according to Father Josef Eugster- Margrith Seits and Urs Eisenring.*
* during this training I learned that Margrith was introduced to, and then trained in reflexology by my late Aunt Elizabeth Bruderer
2022 completed my training with DR Manzanares
2024 completed My Teacher Training - Linda Baril
have received my LCRT ( Licensed Canadian Reflexology Teacher) designation