“Healthy plants and trees yield abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, from a healthy person, smiles and happiness shine forth like the rays of the sun.”
~ B.K.S. Iyengar

In 2011 I went to my first Bikram Yoga class. It was hot, intense, and very humbling. For reasons I still can't explain I found myself in that same room day after day. It wasn't long until I noticed changes in my day-to-day life, like patience in line ups, or lack of frustration when I ended up behind a slow driver. Mostly I noticed increased energy and strength.
I started hearing whispers of teacher training. Six months after my first class I left for teacher training in Los Angeles. At this point I had no intention of teaching. I went solely for the experience.
Once I completed my teacher training, there was no way that I couldn't share what I had learned. I pushed my fear of public speaking aside and started teaching at Bikram Yoga Sea to Sky.
A few years later, in hopes of offering my students a practice to complement the Bikram series, I took Yin Yoga teacher training with Bernie Clark at Semperviva Yoga in Vancouver, B.C. and immediately started offering yin yoga on a weekly basis.
One thing leads to another and in the summer of 2018 I took a 200 hour Vinyasa training with Julia McCabe at North Yoga in Squamish, B.C. I currently offer yoga in Vernon at The hotroom. Private lessons are available upon request.
To request a private lesson or for more information , please call 604-815-3516 or email info@sabinehagen.com.
https://www.thehotroomvernon.comPublic classes at the Hotroom@studio be Join me here most days of the week
Privates- contact me for one on one yoga or private group classes